Lifestyle Blood Pressure Blend Herbal Tea Infusion combines a number of medicinal proven herbs that are known to aid in the self-help management of Hypertension.
The Remedying Benefits of the Ingredients:
* Sarsaparilla - For centuries Sarsaparilla has been used by American Indians in pulmonary problems.
* Hawthorn Berry - The active ingredient in the Hawthorn Berry "Crataegin" is well recognized can help of reducing high blood pressure.
* Burdock Root - Traditionally has been used as a "blood purifier" to clear the bloodstream of toxins, as a diuretic (helping rid the body of excess water by increasing urine output), Burdock root is especially containing good amounts of electrolyte potassium and low in sodium.
* Pau D’arco tea has a holistic effect on the body, meaning the whole body is detoxified. Detoxified allowing the body’s systems to function properly and efficiently.
* Ginkgo in traditional medicine to treat blood disorders and improve memory, Studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by opening up blood vessels and making blood less sticky. It's also an antioxidant.
Direction: Place 1 teaspoon per 200ml, brew 3-5 minutes in fresh boiling water at 100 degrees celsius
Warning: Consult your doctor prior to implementing a self program. Hypertension is a serious ailment and requires assertive treatment.
"This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease"