Our Organic Gold Blend Tea is the top leaves for that irresistible aroma and medium-sized grains for the correct strength, unique, rich color.
It is in the perfect combination to give that unmatchable taste in every single cup.
The Remedying Benefits of Gold Blend Tea:
* Reduces risk of Heart Ailments. - The regular consumption of tea can help repair coronary artery dysfunctions in many heart patients. Therefore, tea drinkers are at a decreased risk of contracting many cardiovascular diseases.
* Helping eliminate free radicals and slow aging
* Promotes good circulation.
* Helping promote heart health
* Help with weight management and optimize metabolism
* There is a large number of antioxidants in which can help to boost your immune system and help to fight off disease.* Helping eliminate free radicals and slow aging
* Promotes good circulation.
* Helping promote heart health
* Help with weight management and optimize metabolism
* There is a large number of antioxidants in which can help to boost your immune system and help to fight off disease
Organic Ingredient :
Organic Black Tea
Direction :
Place 1 teaspoonful into 200 ml of freshly boiling water, Infuse for 5 minutes. Add sugar, milk or lemon if required, to taste.
"This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease"